Coyne's Restaurant is a project of love
The Coyne’s experience provides the space to put down the phone and make real connections. Our commitment is to create the environment and meals to liven spirits and enrich the senses.
Our menu was curated to pay homage to our mentors, who taught us the art of cuisine. When you visit, you will experience this craft in action.
Coyne’s service and atmosphere are built upon a foundation of our family’s love of enjoying great food and interesting conversation. Coyne’s is more than a restaurant—it’s an emblem of a lifetime love of food, good company, and meaningful connections.

Employee Trust Owned
A key to our success has always been our employees’ keen attention to detail. We think they deserve to be rewarded for all their hard work. In that spirit, we’re thrilled to announce that Bardenay, Inc. is now 100% owned by the Bardenay, Inc. Retirement Plan Trust.
Coyne’s falls under the Bardenay, Inc. umbrella. Therefore, Coyne’s employees equally benefit from the newly established trust.
Like a 401k, the trust is meant to provide retirement benefits for our employees. Our exclusive mission is to build value and security for our team. This way, our restaurants and the employees can truly succeed together!